You are coming into sixth grade. You’ve probably heard heinous stories and didn’t help the feeling of unsteadiness of entering the new environment. My advice to you is keep up with your work and don’t be tardy to get it.
Things are pretty relaxed here. Most of the teachers are nice, and you get a computer. The one thing that is tremendous at middle school is responsibility. Now that you’re getting older, you are going to have to be more logical about things. {Shocker, I know.} Do simple tasks. Keep up with your work. If you start slipping with your work, it’s going to be much harder on you. A lot of kids fell behind. It has hurt their grades, put a colossal amount of stress on them, and makes it difficult on the teachers to keep chasing you for you assignments.
Tardiness can contribute to missing work. Teachers don’t want to have to repeat or teach what they just did. You have four minutes to get where you need to, that is plenty of time to get to your classes. A lot of classes go quickly and they aren’t going to be happy if you miss the lesson.{Coach Bohn doesn’t really care, but just get to your classes.}
Do this and you’re golden! It will get better as time goes on. Good luck!